Saturday, March 8, 2008

One, Two, Three

Monday, March 3, 2008

For the past few years I had a three a.m. mockingbird wakeup call from the back of the house. This year I have a daytime chanter in front of the house. Listening to a bird at three in the afternoon is so much more pleasant. Besides, I love this spring weather and the burst of green from trees and bushes. The purple plum trees are in full bloom and the daffodils are nodding at me every time I go outside.

I've tried something new today, a crochet lace edge on neck and pants of bear number three. I crocheted the edge separately and incorporated it into the body by knitting together one stitch each from body and lace. Oh, and I like the idea of a skirt; it has so much potential.

The first bear will be named Gigi - a shortened version of my name that my nephew Christopher invented because he couldn't pronounce my full name. It is pronounced with two hard "g"s.

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