Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Taking Care of the Loners

Bear Yarn Wound into Balls   

During a yarn ball winding session this morning Dr. Steinfeld said, “Take care of the Loners first.”
I didn’t answer. Winding yarn balls means that I am restless; I am searching for a new line of bears. It is a mindless distraction, like counting steps to keep from shivering on my walk when the wind blows. Letting the yarn run through forefinger and thumb of one hand; circling the hand through the air in record speed; slowly turning the growing ball with the other hand without taking my thumb out of the hole at the top; occasionally shaking tangles until they fall apart – I can’t think of anything less creative or more absorbing. 
After a while I tired of the task and began to stuff leftover woolly ends into a plastic bag for my teddy bear DNA project. I flicked a tiny cloud of polyester fiberfill off my black sweater and watched it sail through the air.
“I was talking about the bears you started last month and never finished.” My imaginary shrink is persistent.
Yes, I try not to think about them, those two unrelated bears whose flat bodies, sealed into their individual zip lock bags, rest next to the group of Spring Babies in my sewing room. The first one I had started on the Light Rail ride to Stitches West on February 18. I knitted half the body sipping latté and waiting for the doors to the Fiber Paradise at the Santa Clara Convention Center to open. I was working on the head while I volunteered at the Mother Bear Project Booth. It was a convenient conversation piece and teaching object when somebody had a question about Bear construction.
“See! One piece! Very easy to make. I can knit while I walk around and talk to you.”
The problem with this Bear – I call him Stitches – is…….hmmm….. the problem is: he doesn’t belong in a group.
The second loner Bear began in Carmel, (I named him Carmel) the next day, a Sunday, while I visited Mother. He owns his existence to two “emergency balls” I had left in the closet of the guest room in case I ever ran out of knitting stuff. He didn’t make it to the sewing, stuffing, face-embroidery phase either. By the time the weekend was over I was fully engaged in “The Sound of Music” Bears. Mentally engaged. Drawing was in full swing. I had become obsessed with googling Lederhosen and printing Dirndl images.
But Dr. Steinfeld always nudges me when something bothers my conscience. He hangs around until an issue is resolved.
There is only one thing to do: finish the loners. I flashed a few shots before I packed the Spring Babies away. Then I grabbed the polyester fiberfill bag and the two Bear shells. Stitches and Carmel will be ready for their mug shots by tomorrow. And I promise to give them a few good words for their journey to Africa.
PS. I wound 25 balls today. My left hand is still spinning in a counterclockwise circle.

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