Monday, July 1, 2013

Ready to post in the NOW and about Mandela Day Project

There are two more bears who were actually finished, just needed a few stitches here and there. They have not been sent out yet. I knitted Bear 254 in honor of all the ladies who knitted and crocheted pink bears when I was sick with breast cancer. I counted more than 50 pink bears on Ravelry during that awful time when I felt sick from chemo and radiation. Thanks again to all of you who stepped in and  supported me with knitting, emailing, posting, calling.
 I'll just call her Pinky. She was created during tiny spurts of energy and yesterday I sewed the pinned-on flower securely to her ear.

And there is Bear 255, the Red Christmas Bear, almost finished (I sewed the headband on today)  around Christmas 2012. I named her after my first Great-Grandchild - Talia.

And with this I should be up to date with my bears. 

I have a picture, taken two days ago, of bears in progress. And I will post this progress regularly, I hope, since I committed myself to knitting 67 minutes a day for 67 days as part of the Mandela Day Project. 

Four bears spent a lot of time in a big bag with the yarn that is supposed to make them into "Heaven Above Arles" a van Gogh tribute. The two dangling from the top of the photo have no theme (my imagination took a leave of absence after I recuperated) but I am working on a title right now.

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