Sunday, June 14, 2015

Time for the Beach. Time for a Cruise

For the month of June our Mother Bear Project Ravelry group concentrates on Bears of Summer. I have knitted only five of them, because my traveling bear, Tyana J Littlestring, needs a new outfit for our July cruise.

Bear 383 is wishing for a glass of pink lemonade

Bears 384 and 385, two brothers, lock forward to playing beach volleyball. Here you see them practice. And pose for that photo after the big win.
Only after I stood them side by side did I notice that one is taller than the usual twelve inches. I must have miscounted the rows. Oh well, just a bit more to love.

Finally, meet Bears 386 and 387, my two Ice Bears, well, Polar Bears with tiny freckles. They are complaining about the heat wave that shrank their ice berg.
(Which is a bunch of crumpled plastic wrap.)

And now to Tyana, who is begging me to take her along on my cruise. In the middle of July we will take off to Istanbul from where we will cruise to Mykonos, Malta, Sicily, take a bus ride along the Amalfi Coast and fly back home from Rome.

She has lots of clothes (as demonstrated by these two bins) but, as a rule, she gets at least one new outfit per trip.

Playground Adventure

Home Depot is such a lovely place. I walk up and down and look and suddenly here it is ..... the slide ..... well, it actually is a piece of plumbing ... But to me it looks like a perfect slide.

And once I take it home and crochet my way around it, it does really look like a slide. Maybe a bit small for my ball players, but it can be reused for the fairies when I continue on that project.

And now I am happy and can work on the players. Once they are finished I take a few pictures.

This completes another fifteen Bears to be shipped off to Minneapolis.

Here they are, Bears 368 to 382, down for one more nap before they fly away.