While the three Despicable Bears, Agnes, Margo, and Edith are getting ready to make the trip to Minneapolis, to Mother Bear Project Headquarters, it is discovered that an unknown fan has admitted to kidnapping plans. Apparently he is enamoured with Edith and intends to interrupt her journey by pulling her away from her sisters and rushing her to an undisclosed destination.

This alarming news immediately activates certain procedures in line with Security Department concerns. The Daisy Chain Gang, a trio of secret agents, is dispatched to Campbell to accompany the Despicables on their flight to Mother Bear Project Headquarters. While waiting for the sisters to sign last minute paper work, the Daisies, as they are known to their friends in the Security Department, make themselves look like Foster household gardeners. They don aprons, pick up shovels and rakes, and a watering can, and attend to nasturtiums, cosmos, chives, parsley and a tall, skinny tomato plant.

When a neighbor approaches they discreetly draw back to hide behind the plants.

After the neighbor has left Moritza waters the chives, Maxine climbs the tomato cage to check on the temperature higher up, and Wilhelmina digs a hole to observe an earthworm on his trip into the underworld.

When the Despicables are ready the Daisies pose for a farewell shot. Maxine, Wilhelmina, and Moritza seem to have enjoyed working in the garden.

And then they each attach themselves to a Despicable Bear as they walk out into the world.

A farewell to the Despicables and to the Daisies, and happy continued growth to nasturtiums and cosmos, to chives and parsley and tomato plant.
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