Besides knitting Luna and Soleil I have been busy knitting a spring scarf for my daughter, a Bear just for me, have finished Marley, made a soccer ball for Lorenzo and a little Bear as birthday present for a friend.

This was a two night project while I was watching the Olympics.

Here is Sochi, now a faithful companion during Olympics watching evenings.

Marley was a joy to finish. Her braids make everybody smile. And she watches her little brother Lorenzo when I am not there to protect him.

And, finally, I have finished the soccer ball for Lorenzo. The pattern was not difficult, but I ran out of light green yarn and had a hard time organizing hexagons and pentagons. Is my age catching up with me?

I call Daffodil, the little bear, a spirit guide. She is supposed to help a friend during a very difficult time.
A few days ago I made a picnic lunch and rode my tricycle through a close-by park. Joggers looked up briefly, walkers smiled, little kids giggled when they saw Lorenzo in a tree, trying to rescue his soccer ball. And when he finally rested on the lawn I realized how much fun it is to take one of my creations out into the world. Thank you Lorenzo.

As if the trees in the park weren't enough of a sign that spring is rushing to California (I am sorry for my friends who are caught in the polar vortex) I had fun with a bunch of pansies from the nursery.

See you at Stitches West 2014 in Santa Clara.
It will be a nice six years of knitting Bears anniversary for me. I saw my first Mother Bears in February of 2008 at Stitches West, bought the pattern, went home, started to knit, and on February 28 I finished my first Bear.

Here I am with my traveling companion Tyana J. LittleString at Stitches West in 2008.

And this is Gigi, Bear Number One for the Mother Bear Project.
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