So, for now, I just want to catch up with photos, before I write again.
Bear 412 was the last one I showed; he was the last of a group of bears I gave Syrian names to honor little Alan Kurdi who drowned at the edge of the Mediterranean.
The next group, #413 to #421, I named "Body and Soul Mates."
Bears 422 to 436 are grouped into "Life isn't just Black and White."
Some after this were called "Ginger Bread," followed by bears with literary names, and ten bears named Ellen honoring a Ravelry friend, Ellen Cosby, who passed away. The rest is named after people in the Andrews family. My sister-in-law, Pat Andrews, is sponsoring all my bears from now on and I wanted her to explore the family tree for a while.
My goal for this year is to have Bear 500 ready by Christmas.
And here they are, the bears made since October 2015, the bears that saw the decline of my health, my use of a cane, and my dogged insistence that life is still good and bears bring joy to me and the children who will befriend them.
Bear 413 - Corey
Bear 414 - Cami
Bear 415 - Cindy
Bear 416 - Colette
Bear 417 - Clayton
Bear 418 - Carol
Bear 419 - Cleo
Bear 420 - Candy
Bear 421 - Clara
Bear 422 - Martin
Bear 423 - Jürgen
Bear 424 - Malala
Bear 425 - Desmond
Bear 426 - Weiwei
To be continued .....
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