Friday, September 2, 2016

Remembering Alan Kurdi. Bear 499.

On September 2, 2015, Alan Kurdi, a three year old boy from Kobani, Syria, drowned in the Mediterranean Sea, near Bodrum, Turkey. It took a year before I was able to knit a Bear that carries his name. I still cry when I see images of little Alan. I have tried to ban the image of his lifeless body in the sand from my memory. It doesn't work. I will see it in front of me forever.
How can we let this happen? It takes all my meditation powers to let me believe in the goodness of mankind when I am confronted with the consequences of war. Imagine - millions of children have never lived in peace. Over eight million Syrian children alone, inside and outside of Syria, are in need of humanitarian aid right now.

Alan Kurdi, my thoughts are with you!

This is Bear 499, named Alan.

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