Wednesday, October 13, 2010

clean up your table - company is coming

I really don't very often listen to my own advice - my table top is in constant flux and rarely ever neat and orderly. Some days the colors match, more often they clash. My color choices depend on my mood or they are influenced by the kind of Bear I have in mind. Since my ideas overlap my Bears aren't finished in the order I want them to be finished, but in the order of interest to me at any particular time. I was fully invested in lime green and hot pink when suddenly I saw an image on TV and couldn't wait to get the right colors to make it come to life. The image was of a woman in red high heels and black and white striped stockings. I had to come up with a color for the dress and picked teal for the contrast. Bear 211 is the result.

Teal, black, rouge, and white Red Heart Super Saver yarn made the Beanie Boy possible. He's only a few days old, but has been a favorite of mine since I began working on him. Another B-Word incorporated with the Beanie. I am tempted to rename the PomPom a BonBon and call the cap a Bonbon-topped Beanie

Here she is, the young lady in red Boots and Black and white stockings.
She carries a Boogie Bag and wears a Blossom Band on her head.

And this is the first Bikini Bottom Bathing Beauty

A Blossom over her ear, hot pink Boogie Bag strapped to her shoulder,
wearing lace-edged white Bloomers, this is Bear Number 209.

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