“You have to look at the little tree before we go.”
“What tree?”
Fifty-four led them to a shoot that barely stuck out of the sand. “You think it’s a Baobab?”
“Could be. It has a trunk. But it doesn’t have anything else.”
Fifty-three wiggled it a bit and when it didn’t pull out of the sand he said, “It has roots.”
“But even if it is a Baobab, I don’t think it’s the kind of Baobab Nelson is looking for. Let’s go. It’s time to go.”
They lined up on each side of Bear fifty-four; he put his arms around their necks so he could hobble between them. He barely touched the ground with the toes of his left foot. After they returned to the big bush Bear fifty-three climbed on top again to locate the airport. By the time they reached the street, late afternoon had turned into early evening, and they had little hope left finding the counselors still waiting for them.
I love your blog!! I read it every a.m. when I turn on my computer. Your bears are so clever and cute. What will you do with the bear stories and the photos after you send the bears to Mother Bear Amy? Are you a published author? Your writing is so awesome and creative. I love your imagination!
Hi lovesbearcats,
Thanks for responding to my blog. Once I'm done with the knitting and the Bears are on their way, I will probably get a photobook put together through Shutterfly or maybe I use my scrapbooking software and put all the stories and some of the pics together. I have so many photo albums that I will probably have to get another storage shed one of these days.
As for the writing, I belong to a Seniors Memoir Writing group and I have published a couple of poems and short stories and one essay but nothing of consequence. I love the process of writing but have little patience for the publishing industry.
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