Friday, April 18, 2008

The Rescue

“Look! Look!” Bear number forty-one pointed at a spot on the computer screen. “I see two Bears.”

“Is your sister one of them?” Samy wanted to know.

“No. She’s wearing a white skirt.”

“Well then. Let’s move around and see if we can find her.” He clicked on a space more to the west. “And what do we have here? A Bear and a wagon. Is this your sister?”

“Oh, yes. She must be scared. She doesn’t like to look down in the canyon.”

“Then why’d you leave her?” Thirty-nine looked puzzled.

“I told you, I had to get here early in the morning to make sure I get to play in the band.”

Samy zoomed in on the scene. “I think I see the drum. One of the Bears is fairly close to it. I wonder if he spotted it. The other one is climbing toward your sister. They are talking to each other.” I think they might need help.”

“What are we going to do?”

“I’ll get a piece of rope. If they can’t make it on their own, I will pull them up the hill. Number forty, you know how to use the computer. Just stay focused. Don’t zoom in or out. If you don’t see me in the picture in fifteen minutes, get the emergency whistle and blow it three times. This will let me know that I am proceeding in the wrong direction.”

Samy hadn’t climbed much since he retired. Just the usual, the minimal, the daily back and forth between his house and the imaginary landscapes behind it. His legs were a bit wobbly but he had to rescue the Bears and the steel drum.

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