Sunday, March 9, 2008

An Extra Four Rows

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Oops, bear number eight grew four extra rows in body size while I was watching TV. No matter how well you think you know your pattern - you make mistakes. In this case it doesn't hurt; a little less stuffing, a little sideways stretching; a flattening pat on the head; he shrinks in my mind as I am writing this.

I cut out pictures of my first ten bears and lined them up on the kitchen table. They remind me of the paper dolls I used to play with as a child. Maybe I should tack them to the wall. My friends will probably shake their heads but I get inspired by "stuff on the wall."

Bear number eleven is patiently waiting for my return from the computer. This one is wearing a pink skirt but is still missing arms. Every day I try a different approach. Today I knitted the skirt before I finished the body. Why? Because the pink yarn was closer than the brown yarn. And because I was in a pink mood.

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