Saturday, March 8, 2008

I am Bear - See my Face

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

An exciting day today. I now have three finished bears, and two in progress. This morning I took pictures of each of the finished ones and I think I have perfected the picture-taking thing so that all pics are uniform. I slipped the "Make a Difference" t-shirt over a cardboard form (rather than using the manequin bust). I sat the form on the front porch, facing the staircase. A piece of white foamcore serves as floor. Then I took the picture from the staircase - eye level with the bear in front of the t-shirt. When they are all done I can then link them together by cropping the photos to the bear paws. Ah, the things that go on in my head.

Before I went to my memoir writing class I sent an email to Oprah about asking the producers not to overlook us bear makers as "Little Gives" and to invite the founder (or founders?) of the project on her show. I thought the producers might like the play on words. Her new show is called "Oprah's Big Give" in which lots of money changes hands and here we have these little efforts to make one child at a time happy with a teddy bear. Who knows, being publicised on a national show could "incite" a lot of others to knit or donate yarn or money. But most likely Oprah's people will ignore my email and continue with their big projects.

This afternoon I made a trip to Michael's where I bought three "face yarns" to give the bears different colors. I also bought a big skein (one pound) of red yarn. My palette tends toward earth tones and I needed to bring some brightness into the project. I knew this shopping thing would happen. Just didn't expect it to begin so early in the project. All I should have bought was stuffing.

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